Artificial Garden Roses Vase Arrangement
Savor the beauty of simplicity with our exquisite Garden Roses vase arrangement. Adorned in our modern luxe vase, each arrangement is a testament to elegance and grace, perfect for adding a touch of sophistication to any space.
Available in several stunning options such as white, lilac, yellow, pink, and peach, you have the freedom to create a bespoke masterpiece that perfectly reflects your style and aesthetic.
Whether displayed as a striking home decoration or gifted as a thoughtful token of love, our Rose Garden vases are sure to delight. Whether adorning your own space or shared with loved ones, these arrangements are a celebration of timeless beauty and enduring elegance.
Height: 56 cm | Width: 30 cm
Each arrangement is an individual made specially and exclusively for you. Final product may not resemble the picture shown entirely.
Kindly note that our florists will need at least 8 hours to prepare your order for same day deliveries.
Please feel free to WA us at +62 818-0675-4632 if you require a specific delivery time.
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Why Choose Petite Fleur
Same Day Delivery Available
Enjoy having the flowers delivered right to your doorstep with our same-day delivery service.
Uniquely Curated Blooms
Our bouquets are specially curated for your special occasions. With a keen eye and strong sense of colour and design, and a genuine passion for flowers, it has proved to be a winning combination.
Highly Skilled Florist
Highly Skilled Florist